
Primary Colors

Secondary Colors

Primary Colors

Pantone: 330

CMYK: 100, 0, 48, 60

Hex: #005953

RGB: 0, 89, 83

CMYK: 97, 77, 44, 39

Hex: #14344f

RGB: 20, 52, 79

ODL Green & Blue

These colors are the only approved primary colors for ODL. All associated collateral should use the format-appropriate codes to ensure the correct color is in use.

Secondary Colors

CMYK: 36, 18, 15, 0

Hex: #A5BAC8

RGB: 165, 186, 200

CMYK: 41, 46, 67, 13

Hex: #907A5B

RGB: 144, 122, 91

CMYK: 8, 8, 10, 0

Hex: #E8E3DE

RGB: 232, 227, 222

CMYK: 78, 69, 61, 75

Hex: #171C21

RGB: 23, 28, 33

CMYK: 25, 83, 100, 7

Hex: #A5431C

RGB: 165, 67, 28

Alternative Colors

These are the only other approved colors beyond the primary blue & green that may be used in ODL branding. The format-appropriate code should be copied to ensure the correct color is in use.