Messaging / Voice




Industry Terms


Building Value

Messaging for ODL should be consistent with the promise, core values and purpose of the brand.


Polished and Professional

The voice of ODL is professional but personable. ODL should always speak from a position of authority in the industry, using precise language with proper grammar and formatting. Refrain from using vernacular that is closely associated with any one region, as well as slang and emoticons.


Personable and Knowledgeable

The tone of ODL should be friendly and helpful. Professional doesn’t mean rude or abrupt, and any messaging coming from ODL should reflect our values. ODL is an industry leader in building materials and should seek to educate and inform both our business customers and end consumers.

Variance in tone based on setting or platform is permissible, as long as the guidelines for voice and messaging are followed. A good rule of thumb is to convey information as one would to a respected colleague.

Industry Terms

Spelling & Word Usage

Please refer to the following guidelines for use of certain industry terms under ODL branding:

  • Doorlight and Sidelight: These should always be written as compound words.
    "Sidelite" and "door light" are incorrect.
  • Door glass vs. doorglass: Door glass describes glass that is suitable for installation into a door. (ex. "Decorative door glass adds character to an entryway." and "Door glass is tempered or laminated in compliance with building codes.") Doorglass may be used as a synonym of doorlight.