
Primary Colors

Secondary Colors

Primary Colors

Pantone: 187

CMYK: 0, 91, 72, 23

Hex: #BF2F38

RGB: 191, 47, 56

Pantone: Process Black

CMYK: 0, 0, 0, 100

Hex: #272727

RGB: 39, 39, 39

Western Reflections Red and Black

These colors are the only approved primary colors for Western Reflections. All associated collateral should use the format-appropriate codes to ensure the correct color is in use.

Secondary Colors

CMYK: 0, 19, 89, 0

Hex: #FFCE34

RGB: 255, 206, 52

CMYK: 63, 10, 40, 0

Hex: #5EB2A5

RGB: 94, 178, 165

CMYK: 25, 10, 60, 0

Hex: #C5CC83

RGB: 197, 204, 131

CMYK: 11, 71, 52, 0

Hex: #D96A6A

RGB: 217, 106, 106

CMYK: 89, 69, 40, 14

Hex: #3A526F

RGB: 58, 82, 111

Alternative Colors

In addition to Western Reflections Red and Black, these are the only other approved colors that may be used in Western Reflections branding. The format appropriate code should be copied to ensure the correct color is in use.